Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Junior and Senior Assignments for the week of February 23-26th, 2015

All Students

Monday- AIMS Writing

Tuesday- AIMS Reading

Wednesday- AIMS Math

Thursday- Students will take the Third Quarter Benchmark 

*Typed, 3,000 word short stories will be due Monday, March 2, 2015.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Junior and Senior Assignments for the Week of February 16-19, 2015

Research Reports and PowerPoints are DUE TUESDAY!!!!!

Monday- Presidents Day- NO SCHOOL (Perfect Day to finish Research Reports!!!)

Tuesday- Research Reports Due. PowerPoint Presentations begin.

Wednesday- School-wide STEM Day.

Thursday- Final Day for PowerPoint Presentations.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Junior and Senior Assignments for the week of February 9-12, 2015


Monday- Arizona Youth Coalition Presentation

Tuesday- Students will continue their 3000 word short story. Read Chapter 7,8,9,10 and 11 of Ayn Rand’s novel, “Anthem” and answer chapter questions.

Wednesday- Students will read for pleasure the first ten minutes of class. Read chapter 12, and complete the essay assignment that will be the final for the novel, “Anthem”. 

Thursday- Students will continue their 3000 word short story by adding another 200 words. Students will watch a short film depicting the novel, “Anthem” and complete their essay.  Students will also exchange Valentines with one another because we are that awesome!

Monday- Arizona Youth Coalition Presentation

Tuesday- Students will continue their 3000 word short story. Students will read chapter 9-10 of the allegory “Animal Farm,” and answer chapter questions and vocabulary. 

Wednesday- Students will read for pleasure the first ten minutes of class.  Students will then complete an essay assignment, which will be there final for the novel, “Animal Farm”. 

Thursday- Students will continue their 3000 word short story.  Students will watch the movie, “Animal Farm” and exchange Valentines with one another because we are that awesome!