Saturday, September 29, 2012

Senior English Weeks of October 1 through October 15, 2012

Racquel O’Connor-Mesa
Class: Senior  English
Dates: Week of October 1, 2012, October 8, 2012, October 12, 2012
Learning Development:
Performance Objective:  UW.G12.3R.C3.PO1
C3: Explain the basic elements of argument and text and the relationship to the authors and use of persuasive strategies
Learning Objective: Evaluate the merit of an argument, action, or policy by citing evidence offered in the material itself and by comparing evidence with information available in other sources.
Kid-Friendly Language: I can examine the techniques used to create powerful arguments in different persuasive texts.
Key Terms: Merit, Argument, Action, Policy, Evidence, Material, Information, Sources, Logical fallacies, Rhetorical devices
Essential Questions:
1. What makes a written text persuasive? How does validity and truthfulness contribute to arguments within a persuasive work?
2. What are rhetorical devices? How do these rhetorical devices influence the merit of persuasive text/ speeches?
3. What is a logical fallacy? How do logical fallacies invalidate merit in arguments?
Bloom’s Level


x Application

x Analysis
x Evaluation
Anticipatory Set
·         Congruent
·         Active
·         Past Experience
Students will view a political cartoon and dissect its implied meaning.  Students will brainstorm various uses of rhetoric to determine and understand the overall effect. Students will then think of a time they have felt persuaded through the use of rhetoric and write about their experience. 
Instructional Strategies

 Identifying Similarities & Differences
x Summarizing
x Project-Based
 Nonlinguistic Representation
x Setting Objectives
x Peer Feedback
 Generating/Testing Hypothesis

x Lecture
x Discussion
x Homework
x Practice
x Cooperative Learning
x Instructor Feedback
x Questions, Cues, Advanced Organizers
Learning Activities & Modeling the H.O.T.S.
Week of October 1, 2012
Students will take interactive notes on PowerPoint presentation reviewing literary devices and brainstorm ways to integrate them in their own writing using a graphic organizer in their journal/notebook.
Students will analyze various advertisements in cooperative groups and make a graphic organizer dissecting ethos, pathos, and logos.  Students will then select one advertisement to write an rhetoric analysis on. 
Side note: Students will continue reading Pride and Prejudice.
Weeks of October 8 and 15, 2012
In teacher created cooperative groups, students will create a piece of rhetoric utilizing ethos, pathos, and logos. Students will be given a rubric to guide their project which will include a poster, essay, and presentation of their favorite food.
Guided Practice
Teacher will model numerous forms of rhetoric and rubrics will be provided for class projects.  Students will be encouraged to actively engage in discussions and generate clarifying questions. 
Comprehension Check
The students’ comprehension will be assessed through the successful completion of rhetoric projects.
Active Participation
·         All Students
·         All the Time
All students will be active learners and have a role in the successful mastery of this skill through individual note taking, discussion, observing teacher modeling, processing/meeting rubric requirements, and successful completion of rhetoric activities.
x  Combination
 Selected Response                                                    x Extended Written Response
x Performance Assessment                                          x Personal Communication
·         Congruent
·         Active
·         Past Experience
·         Student Summary
Students will summarize the importance of rhetoric and how ethos, pathos, and logos can be utilized effectively.
Independent Practice
Students will take interactive notes, complete rhetoric writing activities, analyze, assess, and critique their writing utilizing a rubric. 

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