Juniors- August 15th-18th
Weekly: Standards and Personal Objectives: 11R4- Students will apply knowledge of organizational structures. 11W18- Students will write a multi-paragraph essay, 11W21-26- Students will apply 6-traits of writing, 11R.1.5.1 Students will read a variety of genres.
Monday- Students will copy weekly agenda. Students will write a 200 word journal/ quote analysis: “It's not the having, it's the getting.” Elizabeth Taylor. Students will complete Fall Reading Pretest.
Tuesday- Students will correct the following sentences:
last spring we read about a swiss village in geography class
Combine the sentences:
Flowers had been planted in the garden. Jim had planted them.
Write a 200 word journal/ quote analysis: “It takes two flints to make a fire.” Louisa May Alcott. Students will complete Fall Writing Pretest.
Wednesday- Students will correct the following sentences:
has uncle purchased german potato salad at the deli!
Combine the following sentences:
The potted tulip was a gift. The tulip is dying. Grandma gave it.
Write a 200 word journal/ quote analysis: “Translation is the art of failure.” Umberto Eco. The teacher will review sentence fragments and run-on sentences using grammar pgs 22-25. Students will complete grammar pgs. 111-114 in cooperative groups.
Thursday- Students will correct the following sentences:
you go inside and sit down she sail. no he replied.
Combine the sentences:
The book was about wildlife. The book was on the table.
Write a 200 word journal/ quote analysis: “It Ain't Over till it's over.” Yogi Berra. The teacher will review different types of scholarship essay prompts. The teacher will model how to write an appropriate paper for the “you” question. “How would you describe yourself as a human being?” (5-paragraphs)
ALL Seniors- August 15th-18th
Weekly: Standards and Personal Objectives: 12R3- Students will apply knowledge of organizational structures. 12W17- Students will write a multi-paragraph essay, 12W22-27- Students will apply 6-traits of writing, 12R.1.5.1 Students will read a variety of genres.
Monday- Students will copy weekly agenda. Write a 200 word journal/ quote analysis: “Beauty without expression is boring.” Ralph Waldo Emerson. Students will complete Fall Reading Pretest.
Tuesday- Students will correct the following sentences:
last spring we read about a swiss village in geography class
Combine the sentences:
Flowers had been planted in the garden. Jim had planted them.
Write a 200 word journal/ quote analysis: “Life is wasted on the living.” Douglas Adams. Students will complete Fall Writing Pretest
Wednesday- Students will correct the following sentences:
has uncle purchased german potato salad at the deli!
Combine the following sentences:
The potted tulip was a gift. The tulip is dying. Grandma gave it.
Write a 200 word journal/ quote analysis: “Wisdom outweighs any wealth.” Sophocles. The teacher will review sentence fragments and run-on sentences using grammar pgs 22-25. Students will complete grammar pgs. 111-114 in cooperative groups.
Thursday- Students will correct the following sentences:
you go inside and sit down she sail. no he replied.
Combine the sentences:
The book was about wildlife. The book was on the table.
Honor Juniors
Weekly: Standards and Personal Objectives: 11R4- Students will apply knowledge of organizational structures. 11W18- Students will write a multi-paragraph essay, 11W21-26- Students will apply 6-traits of writing, 11R.1.5.1 Students will read a variety of genres.
Monday- Students will copy weekly agenda. Students will write a 200 word journal/ quote analysis: “It's not the having, it's the getting.” Elizabeth Taylor. Students will complete Fall Reading Pretest. Read chapter 1 in Everything is an Argument and answer question 1.
Tuesday- Students will correct the following sentences:
last spring we read about a swiss village in geography class
Combine the sentences:
Flowers had been planted in the garden. Jim had planted them.
Write a 200 word journal/ quote analysis: “It takes two flints to make a fire.” Louisa May Alcott. Students will complete Fall Writing Pretest. Read chapter 2 in Everything is an Argument and answer question 4.
Wednesday- Students will correct the following sentences:
has uncle purchased german potato salad at the deli!
Combine the following sentences:
The potted tulip was a gift. The tulip is dying. Grandma gave it.
Write a 200 word journal/ quote analysis: “Translation is the art of failure.” Umberto Eco. The teacher will review sentence fragments and run-on sentences using grammar pgs 22-25. Students will complete grammar pgs. 111-114 in cooperative groups. Read chapter 3 in Everything is an Argument and answer questions 1 and 2.
Thursday- Students will correct the following sentences:
you go inside and sit down she sail. no he replied.
Combine the sentences:
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