Juniors- August 29th-September 2nd
Weekly: Standards and Personal Objectives: 11R4- Students will apply knowledge of organizational structures. 11W18- Students will write a multi-paragraph essay, 11W21-26- Students will apply 6-traits of writing, 11R.1.5.1 Students will read a variety of genres, G11.2R.C1.PO3 I can understand the difference between the theme and moral of a story. Find passages in the text that support the theme of a story.
Monday- Teacher will remind students to check weekly blog and briefly discuss agenda items. Teacher will discuss Essential Questions: What is theme? How does the theme differ from moral? What is theme? How is the theme supported throughout the work? Teacher will review last Friday’s exam questions.
Students will correct the following sentences:
the girl wore a blue shirt tan pants and a white pair of tennisshoes
Write a cause and effect sentence.
Students will write a 200-word journal/ quote analysis: “A friend is one who knows you and loves you just the same.” Elbert Hubbard
The students will view a PowerPoint and take notes on themes and morals.
Tuesday- Students will correct the following sentences:
miami vandals won the game
Combine the sentences:
Write a complete sentence utilizing a semicolon correctly.
Write a 200 word journal/ quote analysis: “A hug is like a boomerang-you get it back right away.” Bill Keane.
Students will read the short story, “The Necklace” and discus and record the theme in their journal noting specific segments of the story, which support the theme.
Wednesday- Students will correct the following sentences:
witch one do you think I should chose the red one or white one!
Combine the following sentences:
The students like to talk. The students are sitting in class. The students got into trouble.
The students will take a randomized essential facts quiz and graph their scores. The teacher will review morals and separate the students in cooperative groups to read common fables identify the moral in each one.
Thursday- Students will complete the weekly quiz. Students will read the short story “The Lottery” and discus and record the theme in their journal noting specific segments of the story, which support the theme. Students will write a 5-paragraph essay: “Do you believe there is a generation gap? Describe the differences between your generation and others.” Denison University
Honor Juniors
Juniors- August 29th-September 2nd
Weekly: Standards and Personal Objectives: 11R4- Students will apply knowledge of organizational structures. 11W18- Students will write a multi-paragraph essay, 11W21-26- Students will apply 6-traits of writing, 11R.1.5.1 Students will read a variety of genres, G11.2R.C1.PO3 I can understand the difference between the theme and moral of a story. Find passages in the text that support the theme of a story.
Monday- Teacher will remind students to check weekly blog and briefly discuss agenda items. Teacher will discuss Essential Questions: What is theme? How does the theme differ from moral? What is theme? How is the theme supported throughout the work? Teacher will review last Friday’s exam questions.
Students will correct the following sentences:
the girl wore a blue shirt tan pants and a white pair of tennisshoes
Write a cause and effect sentence.
Students will write a 200-word journal/ quote analysis: “A friend is one who knows you and loves you just the same.” Elbert Hubbard
The students will view a PowerPoint and take notes on themes and morals. Read chapter 7 in Everything is An Argument and answer question 1.
Tuesday- Students will correct the following sentences:
miami vandals won the game
Combine the sentences:
Write a complete sentence utilizing a semicolon correctly.
Write a 200 word journal/ quote analysis: “A hug is like a boomerang-you get it back right away.” Bill Keane.
Students will read the short story, “The Necklace” and discus and record the theme in their journal noting specific segments of the story, which support the theme.
Read chapter 8 in Everything is An Argument and answer question 3.
Wednesday- Students will correct the following sentences:
witch one do you think I should chose the red one or white one!
Combine the following sentences:
The students like to talk. The students are sitting in class. The students got into trouble.
The students will take a randomized essential facts quiz and graph their scores. The teacher will review morals and separate the students in cooperative groups to read common fables identify the moral in each one. Read chapter 9 in Everything is An Argument and answer question 1.
Thursday- Students will complete the weekly quiz. Students will draw a theme out of a hat and write a short story depicting that theme. Stories will be presented the last 10 minutes of class.
ALL Seniors
August 29th-September 2nd
Weekly: Standards and Personal Objectives: 12R3- Students will apply knowledge of organizational structures. 12W17- Students will write a multi-paragraph essay, 12W22-27- Students will apply 6-traits of writing, 12R.1.5.1 Students will read a variety of genres. G12.3R.C2.PO1 I can examine how the six-traits influence the understandability of functional text.
Monday- Teacher will remind students to check weekly blog and briefly discuss agenda items. Teacher will discuss Essential Questions: What is organization? How does the author apply organizational techniques to produce clarity within functional text? What is hierarchical structure? How does the author apply different types of hierarchical structures techniques to produce clarity within functional text? What is syntax? How does the author apply syntax technique to produce clarity within functional text? What is word choice? How does the author apply word choice techniques to produce clarity within functional text?
Students will correct the following sentences:
the students is drived the ms mesa crazy.
Write a cause and effect sentence.
Students will write a 200-word journal/quote analysis: “A true friend never gets in your way unless you happen to be going down.” Arnold Glasow.
The teacher will show class a PowerPoint on the 6 writing traits and the class will take notes. The teacher will also provide a 6 trait writing rubric for the students, and as a class, they will analyze writing projected on the board.
Tuesday- Students will correct the following sentences:
my aunt mary brang carnation ice cream at martins drugstore
Combine the sentences:
The vase was broken. It lay in small pieces. It was an antique.
Write a 200 word journal/ quote analysis: “Be gentle to all and stern with yourself.” Saint Teresa of Avila. The teacher will review the essential questions. Students will be placed in cooperative groups and will analyze and rate the effectiveness for at least 4 types of functional text noting advanced techniques that increase comprehension.
Wednesday- Students will correct the following sentences:
has fannys fudge factory moves to downtown to brookside drive
Combine the following sentences:
Jill is an only child. She is spoiled. She is allowed to do anything.
The students will take a randomized essential facts quiz and graph their scores. Students will review essential questions. Students will create their own functional text in cooperative pairs in writing a recipe for pb&j incorporating the advanced techniques noted the day prior. The student prepared writing will be presented and graded in accordance with the 6-trait rubric on
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