Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Week of October 24

Juniors- October 17-21

Weekly: Standards and Personal Objectives: 11R4- Students will apply knowledge of organizational structures.  11W18- Students will write a multi-paragraph essay, 11W21-26- Students will apply 6-traits of writing, 11R.1.5.1 Students will read a variety of genres. G11.2R.C2.PO3 I can discover significant major literary periods of American literature that affect history and culture.


Monday- Students will write essential questions. 

1. What is the importance of history and cultural in literature. How does history and culture
develop/influence the literary work?
2. What are the literary movements? How do literary movements develop/influence traditions in society?

Students will create a thesis statement for the following topic:  What is a paradox?  Quote Analysis: “Prosperity makes friends, adversity tries them.” Publilius Syrus.  The teacher will provide background information on Edith Wharton. The class will then read one of her short stories and complete examination questions worksheet.

Tuesday- Quote Analysis: “Money will not make you happy, and happy will not make you money.” Groucho Marx. The class will discuss responses from the previous days assignment. The class will then watch the dramatization of Ethan Frome, another short story by Edith Wharton.


Wednesday- The students will take a randomized essential facts quiz and graph their scores. Continue film.

Thursday- Students will write an essay discussing the importance of setting, the marriage problem, and symbolism from the film.    


Honor Juniors- October 24-27  

Weekly: Standards and Personal Objectives: 11R4- Students will apply knowledge of organizational structures.  11W18- Students will write a multi-paragraph essay, 11W21-26- Students will apply 6-traits of writing, 11R.1.5.1 Students will read a variety of genres. G11.2R.C2.PO3 I can discover significant major literary periods of American literature that affect history and culture.

 Monday- Students will watch the movie, “The Help” as the culminating activity to the novel completion.

Tuesday- Students will finish watching the movie, “The Help” and discuss its theme and the differences between the written works versus the film. Focusing on the importance of setting, historical period, and how the events of the time have impacted current societal expectations.


Wednesday- The students will take a randomized essential facts quiz and graph their scores. The teacher will provide background information on Edith Wharton. The class will then read one of her short stories and complete examination questions worksheet.


Thursday- The class will discuss responses from the previous days assignment. The class will then watch the dramatization of Ethan Frome, another short story by Edith Wharton. Students will write an essay discussing the importance of setting, the marriage problem, and symbolism from the film.    

ALL Seniors October 24-27

Weekly: Standards and Personal Objectives: 12R3- Students will apply knowledge of organizational structures. 12W17- Students will write a multi-paragraph essay, 12W22-27- Students will apply 6-traits of writing, 12R.1.5.1 Students will read a variety of genres. G12.3W.C6.PO1 I can write a research paper.


Monday- The students will complete a Quote Analysis:  “We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.” Kurt Vonnegut Jr. The teacher will explain that the students will begin their annual research project. The teacher will hand out research paper requirements. The teacher will present a PowerPoint on APA format and students will take detailed notes.

Tuesday- Quote Analysis: “It’s not whether you get knocked down, it’s whether you get back up.” Vince Lombardi.  The teacher will hand out the APA format cheat sheet. Students will practice citing sources according to the APA format.  The teacher will model how to cite within text and the students will practice. 

Wednesday- Students will take a randomized essential facts test and graph their scores. The teacher will model a suggested outline for the research project. Students will use classroom computer to apply for college.  Students need to bring in research to begin project.

Thursday- Students will be given time to meet with teacher individually, discuss their research, and begin working on their project in class.


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