Juniors- October 31-Nov. 3
Weekly: Standards and Personal Objectives: 11R4- Students will apply knowledge of organizational structures. 11W18- Students will write a multi-paragraph essay, 11W21-26- Students will apply 6-traits of writing, 11R.1.5.1 Students will read a variety of genres. G11.2R.C2.PO3 I can discover significant major literary periods of American literature that affect history and culture.
Monday- Quote: “If you want to know who your friends are, get yourself a jail sentence.” Charles Bukowski. The class will discuss responses from the previous days assignment. The class will then finish watching the dramatization of Ethan Frome, another short story by Edith Wharton.
Tuesday- Students will write an essay discussing the importance of setting, the marriage problem, and symbolism from the film.
Wednesday- The students will take a randomized essential facts quiz and graph their scores. Students will read Henry James’s Persons and Places and Who Lives Here: Setting and Character and answer the corresponding questions.
Thursday- Everest College Presentation
ALL Seniors October 31-Nov. 3
Weekly: Standards and Personal Objectives: 12R3- Students will apply knowledge of organizational structures. 12W17- Students will write a multi-paragraph essay, 12W22-27- Students will apply 6-traits of writing, 12R.1.5.1 Students will read a variety of genres. G12.3W.C6.PO1 I can write a research paper.
Monday- Quote Analysis: “Some of us think holding on makes us strong; but sometimes it is letting go.” Hermann Hesse. Read pg. 42 in Literature book regarding The Epic and the Epic Hero. Have class devise a list of heroic traits of present time and put on the board. Have students then discuss traits that would have been considered in the 500s or 600s. Discuss which qualities are the same and which are different. Have students take notes on Literary Devices on pg. 43 and read the Background Information. In cooperative groups have students select a modern-day hero and make a poster promoting their nominee utilizing persuasive text learned in the previous week.
Tuesday- Seniors will attend College Fair. Students who do not attend and 8th hour will have a make-up day.
Wednesday- Students will take a randomized essential facts test and graph their scores. Read Beowulf pgs. 44-47 and then have students paraphrase lines 1-53 of the poem in 10 to 12 sentences. Then the students will work in cooperative groups to brainstorm descriptions of the characters and settings. Students will then create cartoon strips to illustrate their sentences.
Thursday- Everest College Presentation
Honor Juniors- October 31-Nov 3.
Weekly: Standards and Personal Objectives: 11R4- Students will apply knowledge of organizational structures. 11W18- Students will write a multi-paragraph essay, 11W21-26- Students will apply 6-traits of writing, 11R.1.5.1 Students will read a variety of genres. G11.2R.C2.PO3 I can discover significant major literary periods of American literature that affect history and culture.
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