Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Juniors weeks of 8-27 and 9-3

Racquel O’Connor-Mesa
Class: Junior English
Dates: Week of 8-27-12 and Week of 9-3-12
Learning Development:
Performance Objective:  UW.G11.2R.C1.PO 2
Learning Objective: Interpret figurative language, including personification, hyperbole, symbolism, allusion, imagery, extended metaphor/conceit, and allegory with emphasis upon how the writer uses language to evoke readers’ emotions.
Kid-Friendly Language: I can identify how an author uses figurative language to advance the work and make the reader feel emotion.
Key Terms: Figurative language, Personification, Hyperbole, Symbolism, Imagery, Extended metaphor, Emotion
Essential Questions:
1. What is figurative language? How is my emotional reaction to literature affected by the author’s use of figurative language?
Bloom’s Level

x Comprehension

x Application

x Analysis
x Evaluation
Anticipatory Set
·         Congruent
·         Active
·         Past Experience
Think of your favorite song and write down some of the lyrics (school-appropriate). Can you identify any type of figurative language in the lyrics you wrote? If so, what type and what does the artist want you to feel by selecting to express themselves using those words?  If you cannot identify figurative language, describe what the artist is saying and how they are trying to make you feel.  (One paragraph minimum and be ready to share with a partner).    
Instructional Strategies

x Identifying Similarities & Differences
x Summarizing
x Project-Based
 Nonlinguistic Representation
 Setting Objectives
x Peer Feedback
 Generating/Testing Hypothesis

x Lecture
x Discussion
x Homework
x Practice
x Cooperative Learning
x Instructor Feedback
x Questions, Cues, Advanced Organizers
Learning Activities & Modeling the H.O.T.S.
Week of 8-27-12 Students will take interactive notes on figurative language; specifically on symbols-similes-metaphors-allusion-personification-and hyperboles.  The teacher will then assist the students in creating a figurative language graphic organizer by modeling the desired format.  The teacher will then play a popular song and have the students dissect the song seeking out figurative language and noting it in their graphic organizer. This will happen as a focus activity Monday through Thursday.  Students will be placed in teacher created cooperative groups and given a page with song lyrics.  The groups will color code the figurative language it contains through the use of highlighters, and then explain what the meaning is behind each usage is as well as describe the feeling the artist was trying to create.   Students will be given Song Analysis homework to complete over the weekend.
Week of 9-3-12 The teacher will have students discuss their Song Analysis homework in cooperative groups and offer constructive feedback to their peers.  The teacher will then explain that figurative language is not only used in songs to create emotion, but in many genres such as poems and short stories.  The teacher will then assign two poems, Langston Hughes’ “A Dream Deferred” or Wilfred Owen’s, “Dulce et Decorum Est” for the students to read. The students will then identify and label the figurative language used throughout the work and describe how the student’s emotional response connects to the overall tone of the work. Students will read Shirley Jackson’s, “The Lottery” and analyze the use of allusion and symbolism.
Guided Practice
Teacher will guide and model figurative language graphic organizer and song analysis.    
Comprehension Check
Individual assessment will be based on poem and short story analysis.
Active Participation
·         All Students
·         All the Time
Students will be engaged in a variety of activities ranging from interactive notes, cooperative groups, figurative language analysis, and internal tone evaluation.
x  Combination
 Selected Response                                                    x Extended Written Response
 Performance Assessment                                           Personal Communication
·         Congruent
·         Active
·         Past Experience
·         Student Summary
Students will summarize how figurative language is used in various genres to produce emotional effects. 
Independent Practice
Students will complete several analysis on various genres.

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