Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Senior Research Report 8/29 through September 17

Racquel O’Connor-Mesa
Class: Senior English
Dates: August 29-September 17, 2012
Learning Development:
Performance Objective:  UW.G11-12.3W.C6.PO1
Write a research product that:
a. incorporates evidence in support of a thesis or claim
b. integrates information and ideas from multiple primary and secondary sources
c. makes distinctions between the relative value and significance of specific data, facts, and ideas.
d. includes visual aids to organize and record information on charts, data tables, maps and graphs, as appropriate.
e. integrates direct quotes
f. that uses internal citations.
g. includes a works cited, bibliography, or reference page.
Learning Objective: See above.
Kid-Friendly Language: I can write a research report in APA format.
Key Terms: Research, Evidence, Thesis, Primary and Secondary sources, Visual aids, Quotes, Citations, Works cited page
Essential Questions:
1. What is the purpose of using research to support a claim? How is this done effectively?
2. What are citations? How and why are they used?
Bloom’s Level


x Application

x Evaluation
Anticipatory Set
·         Congruent
·         Active
·         Past Experience
Students will complete a resume and cover letter for an application they previously completed for class.  Using this occupation as a jumping off point students will begin thinking about and then discussing careers they wish to pursue long-term.  Students will then briefly write a paragraph describing their dream career and how they plan to attain it. 
Instructional Strategies

 Identifying Similarities & Differences
x Summarizing
x Project-Based
 Nonlinguistic Representation
x Setting Objectives
x Peer Feedback
 Generating/Testing Hypothesis

x Lecture
x Discussion
x Homework
x Practice
 Cooperative Learning
x Instructor Feedback
x Questions, Cues, Advanced Organizers
Learning Activities & Modeling the H.O.T.S.
Students will take interactive notes on PowerPoint presentation reviewing APA format and research report guidelines/requirements. Students will also be placed in cooperative groups practice taking in-text citation utilizing a class set of Encyclopedias after observing the teacher model such technique.  Students will have to complete research and their career research report in their own time. 
Requirements will be posted on class blog via the miamiusd40.org website. This will be the first of 4 research reports students will complete this year, Additions will be made to this learning plan as the year progresses.  
Guided Practice
Teacher will model how to create a cover page, abstract, in-text citation, and reference page by use of laptop, document camera, and lcd projector. 
Comprehension Check
The students’ comprehension will be assessed through the successful completion of the research report.
Active Participation
·         All Students
·         All the Time
All students will be active learners and have a role in the successful mastery of this skill through individual note taking, discussion, observing teacher modeling, processing report requirements, and successful completion of the research report.
x  Combination
 Selected Response                                                    x Extended Written Response
x Performance Assessment                                          x Personal Communication
·         Congruent
·         Active
·         Past Experience
·         Student Summary
Students will summarize the importance of planning for their desired career.  They will summarize the steps they must take in order to better-prepare themselves for successful attainment of said career.
Independent Practice
Students will take interactive notes, complete in-text citations, and evaluate various pieces of research to incorporate within their specific mini-research report.  Students will also successfully complete the research report according to APA format and teacher stipulations. 

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