Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Junior Lessons for the Weeks of January 7, 2013-February 11, 2013

Racquel O’Connor-Mesa
Class: Junior English
Dates: Week of January 7, 2013 through February 11, 2013
Learning Development:
Performance Objective:  UW.G11.3R.C1.PO 3
C1: Identify, analyze and apply knowledge of the purpose, structures, and elements of expository text
Learning Objective: Make relevant inferences by synthesizing concepts and ideas from a single reading selection.
Kid-Friendly Language: I can interpret the concepts and ideas non-fiction text.
Key Terms: Inference, Concept, Idea, Relevant, Explicit, Implicit
Essential Questions:
What is a relevant inference? How do you identify and connect ideas within the text to build or draw relevant conclusions?
Bloom’s Level


x Application

x Analysis
x Evaluation
Anticipatory Set
·         Congruent
·         Active
·         Past Experience
Students will recall and write a paragraph regarding what they know about the Newtown Shooting, noting where they learned their information.
Instructional Strategies

 Identifying Similarities & Differences
x Summarizing
x Project-Based
 Nonlinguistic Representation           
x Setting Objectives
x Peer Feedback
 Generating/Testing Hypothesis

x Lecture
x Discussion
x Homework
x Practice
x Cooperative Learning
x Instructor Feedback
x Questions, Cues, Advanced Organizers
Learning Activities & Modeling the H.O.T.S.
Week of January 7, 2013
Students will take notes on inference and observation PPT. 
Students will watch the President’s reaction to the shooting via YOUTUBE and answer the following questions regarding this speech.
Identify the main ideas within the speech. How is the piece organized?                 Why is it organized in this manner? Discuss the intent of the speech. What are two of the main ideas from this speech? What inferences can be drawn regarding these main ideas? How are they connected?  (Use specific textual evidence).
Week of January 14, 2013
Students will read President Obama’s speech regarding 9/11 and complete worksheet.
Week of January 21, 2013
Students will read Mayo Angelo’s eulogy and complete worksheet.
(I will add more after this week. I want to evaluate where the students are before planning too far ahead.)
Guided Practice
Teacher will model how to connect ideas within a text in order to produce relevant inferences. Students will be encouraged to actively engage in discussions and generate clarifying questions. 
Comprehension Check
The students’ comprehension will be assessed through the successful completion of the analysis of multiple nonfiction pieces and relevant inferences drawn.
Active Participation
·         All Students
·         All the Time
All students will be active learners and have a role in the successful mastery of this skill through individual note taking, discussion, observing teacher modeling, processing/meeting rubric requirements, and successful completion of activities.
x  Combination
 Selected Response                                                    x Extended Written Response
x Performance Assessment                                          x Personal Communication
·         Congruent
·         Active
·         Past Experience
·         Student Summary
Students will summarize the importance of drawing relevant inferences from nonfiction text.  Students will answer the question, “What is a relevant inference? How do you identify and connect ideas within the text to build or draw relevant conclusions?” in paragraph form using exact examples from the previous week’s assignments.
Independent Practice
Students will take interactive notes, complete various expressive writing activities, analyze, assess, and make relevant inferences in non fiction pieces. 

*Students will read a class novel and partake on various curricular assignments, both reviewing and previewing language arts standards; concomitantly, with the above essential standard.

Racquel O’Connor-Mesa
Class: Junior English
Dates: Week of January 7, 2013 through February 11, 2013
Learning Development:
Performance Objective:  UW.G11.3R.C1.PO 4:
Identify, analyze and apply knowledge of the purpose, structures, and elements of expository text
Learning Objective: Compare (and contrast) readings on the same topic, by explaining how authors reach the same or different conclusions based upon differences in evidence, reasoning, assumptions, purposes, beliefs, or biases.
Kid-Friendly Language: After reading texts on the same topic, I can explain how conclusions are drawn based on information presented within the work.
Key Terms: Conclusions, Differences, Evidence, Reasoning, Assumptions, Purposes, Beliefs, Bias
Essential Questions:
What is the difference between factual and biased information? How can authors reach conclusions on the same topic using combinations of fact and bias? How do our own assumptions contribute to how we reach conclusions?
Bloom’s Level


x Application

x Analysis
x Evaluation
Anticipatory Set
·        Congruent
·        Active
·        Past Experience
Students will recall and write a paragraph regarding what they know about the Newtown Shooting, noting where they learned their information. (Piggybacks on coinciding standard)
Instructional Strategies

 Identifying Similarities & Differences
x Summarizing
x Project-Based
 Nonlinguistic Representation           
x Setting Objectives
x Peer Feedback
 Generating/Testing Hypothesis

x Lecture
x Discussion
x Homework
x Practice
x Cooperative Learning
x Instructor Feedback
x Questions, Cues, Advanced Organizers
Learning Activities & Modeling the H.O.T.S.
Week of January 7, 2013
Students will take notes on inference and observation PPT. 
Students will watch the President’s reaction to the shooting via YOUTUBE and answer the following questions regarding this speech.
Identify the main ideas within the speech. How is the piece organized?                 Why is it organized in this manner? Discuss the intent of the speech. What are two of the main ideas from this speech? What inferences can be drawn regarding these main ideas? How are they connected?  (Use specific textual evidence).
Students will watch an interview with a Parent of a survivor of the Newtown shooting Students will answer these questions:
What is the difference between factual and biased information? How can authors/individuals reach conclusions on the same topic using combinations of fact and bias? How do our own assumptions contribute to how we reach conclusions?
Week of January 14, 2013
Students will read President Bush’s speech regarding 9/11 and complete worksheet.
Students will read the Democratic response to Bush’s speech and answer the following question regarding this text:
What is the difference between factual and biased information? How can authors/individuals reach conclusions on the same topic using combinations of fact and bias? How do our own assumptions contribute to how we reach conclusions?

Week of January 21, 2013
Students will read or view Mayo Angelo’s eulogy and complete worksheet.
(I will add more after this week. I want to evaluate where the students are before planning too far ahead.)
Students will read ABC News take on the eulogy and answer the following questions:
What is the difference between factual and biased information? How can authors/individuals reach conclusions on the same topic using combinations of fact and bias? How do our own assumptions contribute to how we reach conclusions?

Guided Practice
Teacher will model how to connect ideas within a text in order to produce relevant inferences. Students will be encouraged to actively engage in discussions and generate clarifying questions. 
Comprehension Check
The students’ comprehension will be assessed through the successful completion of the analysis of multiple nonfiction pieces and relevant inferences and compare different perspective through bias.
Active Participation
·        All Students
·        All the Time
All students will be active learners and have a role in the successful mastery of this skill through individual note taking, discussion, observing teacher modeling, processing/meeting rubric requirements, and successful completion of activities.
x  Combination
 Selected Response                                                    x Extended Written Response
x Performance Assessment                                          x Personal Communication
·        Congruent
·        Active
·        Past Experience
·        Student Summary
Students will summarize the importance of drawing relevant inferences from nonfiction text.  Students will answer the question, “What is a relevant inference? How do you identify and connect ideas within the text to build or draw relevant conclusions?” in paragraph form using exact examples from the previous week’s assignments. How does one’s bias affect an overall perception of the exact same reading/event.
Independent Practice
Students will take interactive notes; complete various expressive writing activities, analyze, assess, and make relevant inferences noting bias in non fiction pieces. 

*Students will read a class novel and partake on various curricular assignments, both reviewing and previewing language arts standards; concomitantly, with the above essential standard.

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