Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Senior English Weeks of January 7-January 21,2013

Racquel O’Connor-Mesa
Class: Senior  English
Dates: Week of January 7, 2013,
Week of January 14, 2013, &
Week of January 21, 2013
Learning Development:

Performance Objective:  G12.2R.C1.PO4

Compare (and contrast) literary texts that express a universal theme, providing textual evidence (e.g., examples, details, quotations) as support for the identified theme.
Learning Objective: Compare (and contrast) literary texts that express a universal theme, providing textual evidence (e.g., examples, details, quotations) as support for the identified theme.
Kid-Friendly Language: I can support my arguments through comparing and contrasting similar themes in literary texts using textual evidence.
Key Terms: Arguments, Themes, Literary texts, Textual evidence
Essential Questions:
1. What is theme? How does theme demonstrate author’s purpose?
2. How does similar/ different literary text affect the reader’s interpretation of the universal theme text?
3. What is comparing and contrasting? How does comparing and contrasting literature aid in evaluation skills?
4. What is valid argument? How do two different authors interpret/ respond to similar events/ themes?
5. How does a different writing genre affect the contrasting of similar themes?
Bloom’s Level


x Application

x Analysis
x Evaluation
Anticipatory Set
·         Congruent
·         Active
·         Past Experience
Students will briefly recall last quarter’s reading of Pride and Prejudice by writing a paragraph explaining the theme and incorporating at least two pieces of textual evidence to support such theme. Teacher will call upon random students to share response randomly.
Instructional Strategies

 Identifying Similarities & Differences
x Summarizing
x Project-Based
 Nonlinguistic Representation
x Setting Objectives
x Peer Feedback
 Generating/Testing Hypothesis

x Lecture
x Discussion
x Homework
x Practice
x Cooperative Learning
x Instructor Feedback
x Questions, Cues, Advanced Organizers
Learning Activities & Modeling the H.O.T.S.
Week of January  7, 2013
Students will view interactive PowerPoint regarding theme and utilizing textual evidence to compare two pieces of literature in terms of theme. Students will then read Charles dickens short story, The Baron of Grogzwig by utilizing either a paper copy of the story or IPADS (  Upon completion of reading students will discuss and create a list of possible themes for this story and select the most appropriate theme as a class.  Then students will make a Venn Diagram comparing them  to of Pride and Prejudice to The Baron of Grogzwignoting, noting at least 2 distinctions in each part of the Venn Diagram, citing textual evidence.
Week of January 14, 2013
Students will view and take notes PowerPoint regarding observation and inferences.  Students will then view two pieces of art implementing the inference and observation chart that was taught during PPT.  Students will analyze and evaluate each piece of art citing visual evidence and deriving 2-5 inferences based on that evidence, including an inference of theme.  Students will then compare and contrast two pieces of art in a Venn diagram noting 3 distinctions in each category.
Week of January 21, 2013
In Senior Literature Book, Students will read the two poems, The passionate Shepherd to His Love and The Nymph’s Reply to the Shepherd. Students will note the similarities and differences in theme citing textual evidence from each poem in paragraph form.  If IPADS are available, students will research the details of the reference to the story Philomel that is incorporated in the poems.  Students will discover the significance of the bird associated worth each character/  Students will also need to discover how this myth is used on other pieces of literature. After researching and gathering data, students will work in cooperative groups to write a synopsis describing how these authors use this myth.  With a partner, students will create a collage that shows the contrast between the Sheppard’s and the Nymph’s views of romantic love using National Geographic’s. 
Guided Practice
Teacher will model how to determine theme, make observations, and derive meaningful inferences through the utilization of textual evidence. 
Comprehension Check
The students’ comprehension will be assessed through the successful completion of all assignments.
Active Participation
·         All Students
·         All the Time
All students will be active learners and have a role in the successful mastery of this skill through individual note taking, discussion, observing teacher modeling, processing/meeting rubric requirements, and successful completion of activities.
x  Combination
 Selected Response                                                    x Extended Written Response
x Performance Assessment                                          x Personal Communication
·         Congruent
·         Active
·         Past Experience
·         Student Summary
Students will answer all essential questions and define vocabulary terms on back board.   
Independent Practice
Students will take interactive notes, complete writing activities, analyze, assess, and critique their writing utilizing a rubric. 

*Students will read a class novel and partake on various curricular assignments, both reviewing and previewing language arts standards; concomitantly, with the above essential standard.

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