Thursday, September 25, 2014

Junior and Senior Assignments for September 29-October 2



Monday- Students will complete their journal and ACT prep the first ten minutes of class. All students will take their Benchmark Exam using IPADS.

Tuesday- Students will read the first ten minutes of class.  Utilizing information from last week’s analysis, students will write a five-paragraph essay explaining in 1787, which political party, the Federalists or Anti-federalists, they would belong to citing at least three reasons.

Wednesday- Students will complete their journal the first ten minutes of class.  Students will watch brief biographies on Henry David Thoreau and Ralph Waldo Emerson.  Students will then read some of Emerson’s work annotating the effective use of rhetoric.

Thursday- Journals Due! Students will read the first ten minutes of class.  Students will read a selection from Thoreau and also annotate for effective rhetoric.  Students will then create Venn Diagrams comparing Thoreau and Emerson.


Monday- Students will complete their journal and ACT prep the first ten minutes of class. All students will take their Benchmark Exam using IPADS.

Tuesday- Students will read the first ten minutes of class.  The teacher will conduct a mini-lesson on figurative language; namely metaphors, extended metaphors, personification, hyperboles).  Teacher will then show students how to create a graphic organizer intended on clarifying meaning in older poetry. As a class, students will read, “To My Dear and Loving Husband” and answer guided questions analyzing specific poetic elements. 

Wednesday- Students will complete their journal the first ten minutes of class. As a class, students will read, “Huswifery,” and “Upon the Burning of Our House” and answer guided questions analyzing specific poetic elements.  Independently, students will answer analysis questions on the After Reading handout.

Thursday- Students will read the first ten minutes of class.  Students will write five paragraph essays discussing what the poems by Bradstreet and Taylor have in common?  What distinguishes one poet’s work from the other’s? Students must use specific evidence from the poems for each supporting paragraph.

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