Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Junior and Senior Assignments for the week of December 7-10, 2015.

Monday- Students will be given 10-15 minutes silent reading time for pleasure. Students will review Argumentation notes with teacher, writing vocabulary definitions and pertinent information in their journal.  Class discussion will ensue as a result.
V-W-3: B-1: generating and organizing ideas before writing and maintain a record of ideas with support.
V-W-1 (V): B-2: differentiating between past, present, and future by responding to a prompt.
V-W-1: B-7: writing a persuasive paragraph that states a position/claim and supports arguments with evidence.

Tuesday- Students will be given 10-15 minutes silent reading time for pleasure. Students will review Argumentation notes with teacher, writing vocabulary definitions and pertinent information in their journal.  Class discussion will ensue as a result.
V-W-3: B-1: generating and organizing ideas before writing and maintain a record of ideas with support.
V-W-1 (V): B-2: differentiating between past, present, and future by responding to a prompt.
V-W-1: B-7: writing a persuasive paragraph that states a position/claim and supports arguments with evidence.

Wednesday- Students will be given 10-15 minutes silent reading time for pleasure. Students will analyze the photograph, “Thanks to Modern Science…” and answer reading image questions.
V-W-3: B-1: generating and organizing ideas before writing and maintain a record of ideas with support.

Thursday- Students will be given 10-15 minutes to respond to a journal prompt regarding the photographed that was analyzed the previous day “Thanks to Modern Science…” and be projected on the board for further analysis.  Class will then read, “The Meat Market” by Alex Tabarrok and analyze the authors purpose and style/structure to express his viewpoints.   
V-W-3: B-1: generating and organizing ideas before writing and maintain a record of ideas with support.
V-W-1 (V): B-2: differentiating between past, present, and future by responding to a prompt.

Monday- Students will be given 10-15 minutes silent reading time for pleasure. Students will read the satire, “A Modest Proposal” by Jonathan Swift and discuss the effectiveness of his use of irony.

Tuesday- Students will be given 10-15 minutes silent reading time for pleasure. Students will complete the reading of “A Modest Proposal” by Jonathan Swift and begin to answer analysis questions with textual evidence.

Wednesday-  As a class, students will read Flannery O’Connor’s short story, “A Good Man is Hard to Find.” Students will complete the analysis questions and write a 200 word reflection reflecting the effectiveness of satirical political pieces.  

Thursday- Students will be given 10-15 minutes silent reading time for pleasure.  Students will take a formative assessment regarding “A Modest Proposal” by Jonathan Swift and the use of literary techniques.

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